王金凤 教授
所属学院: 数学科学学院
导师类别: 博士生导师
科研方向: 微分方程与动力系统
招生方向: 偏微分方程及其应用
电子邮箱: jinfengwangmath@163.com, jfwangmath@gmail.com
硕士招生学院: 数学科学学院
王金凤, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师, 黑龙江省高校青年学术骨干,黑龙江省数学会常务理事。一直致力于微分方程、动力系统方向的研究,在JDE, JDDE, JMB, JNS, M3AS, Phy.D, ZAMP, DCDS-B等期刊发表相关SCI检索文章30余篇,主持完成国家自然科学基金项目2项,省自然科学基金项目2项,省高校青年学术骨干项目1项,校优秀青年科学基金1项。
1. 具有趋化性和对流性反应扩散方程若干问题的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,49万,2020.01—2023.12,主持人,11971135
2. 反应扩散方程在生态学中的应用,黑龙江省自然科学基金(联合)项目,10万,2019.07--2022.07,主持人,LH2019A017
3. 具有非单调结构反应扩散方程组的分歧解研究,国家自然科学基金(青年)项目,22万,2013.01—2015.12,主持人,11201101
4. 无穷维动力系统的分歧解及其应用,黑龙江省自然科学基金(青年)项目,10万,2015.07—2018.07,主持人, QC2015002
5. 反应扩散方程组的分歧解研究,黑龙江省高校青年学术骨干科技项目,8万,2014.07—2017.07,主持人,1254G034
6. 非线性发展方程的动力学分析及其应用, 黑龙江省科技项目,2万,2012.01—2014.12,主持人,12521152
7. 反应扩散方程组的动力学分析,哈尔滨师范大学优秀青年科学基金项目,30万,2015.01—2018.12,主持人,XKYQ201403
~Yaru Hu, Jinfeng Wang*. Dynamics of an EIS spatially heterogeneous rabies model. Journal of Differential Equations 384 (2024) 326-351.
~Yongli Song, Hao Wang, Jinfeng Wang. Cognitive Consumer-Resource Spatiotemporal Dynamics with Nonlocal Perception. Journal of Nonlinear Science (2024) 34:19.
~Yu Jin, Rui Peng, Jinfeng Wang*. Enhancing population persistence by a protection zone in a reaction-diffusion model with strong Allee effect. Physica D 454 (2023) 133840.
~Anqi Qu, Xue Tong, Jinfeng Wang*. Dynamics of a diffusive mussel-algae system in closed advective environments. Journal of Differential Equations 370 (2023) 346-377.
~Chen Yuan, Jinfeng Wang*. Dynamics of a periodic benthic-drift model for two species competition. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 527 (2023) 127416.
~Jinfeng Wang, Nie, Hua. Invasion dynamics of a predator-prey system in closed advective environments. Journal of Differential Equations 318 (2022), 298–322.
~Hongfei Xu, Jinfeng Wang*, Xuelian Xu.Dynamics and pattern formation in a cross-diffusion model with stage structure for predators. Discrete Continuous Dynamical System-Series B 27 (2022), no. 8,4473-4489.
~Yaru Hu, Jinfeng Wang*. Dynamics of an SIRS epidemic model with cross diffusion. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. 21 (2022), no. 1, 315–336.
~Anqi Qu, Jinfeng Wang*. Asymptotic profiles of a diffusive mussel-algae system in closed advective environments. Applied Mathematics Letters.132 (2022), Paper No. 108199, 8 pp. (通讯作者).
~Jinfeng Wang, Xue Tong, Yongli Song.Dynamics and pattern formation in a reaction diffusion advection Mussel-algae model. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 73 (2022), no. 3, Paper No. 117, 21 pp.
~Jinfeng Wang, Sainan Wu, Junping Shi,Pattern formation in diffusive predator-prey systems
with predator-taxis and prey-taxis, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System Series-B 26(3), (2021). 1273--1289.
~Jinfeng Wang,Dynamics of a reaction-diffusion-ODE system with quiescence,Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 58 (2021) 103229.
~Yan Wang, Junping Shi, Jinfeng Wang, Persistence and extinction of population in reaction–diffusion–advection model with strong Allee effect growth, Journal of Mathematical Biology. 78 (2019) 2093–2140.
~ Jinfeng Wang,The stability of equilibria for a reaction–diffusion–ODE system on convex domains, Applied Mathematical Letters,93(2019) 147--152.
~Jun Jiang, Jinfeng Wang*, Yingwei Song, The Influence of Dirichlet Boundary Conditions on the Dynamics for a Diffusive Predator-Prey System, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, (29) 9 (2019) 1950113.
~ Sainan Wu, Jinfeng Wang*, and Junping Shi,Dynamics and Pattern Formation of a Diffusive Predator-Prey Model with Predator-Taxis, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 28(11) (2018) 2275–2312.
~Jinfeng Wang. Spatiotemporal Patterns of a Homogeneous Diffusive Predator-Prey System with Holling Type III Functional Response. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. 29 (4) (2017) 1383--1409.
~Jinfeng Wang, Junjie Wei, Junping Shi. Global bifurcation analysis and pattern formation in homogeneous diffusive predator-prey systems. Journal of Differential Equations. 260 (2016) 3495--3523.
~ Jinfeng Wang, Hongxia Fan. Dynamics in a Rosenzweig-MaCarthur predator-prey system with quiescence. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B. 21 (2016) 909--918.
~Yuanyuan Li, Jinfeng Wang*. Spatiotemporal patterns of a predator-prey system with an Allee effect in prey and Holling type III functional response. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 26 (2016) 1650088 (20 pages).
~ Liting Fang, Jinfeng Wang*. The global stability and pattern formations of a predator-prey system with consuming resource. Applied Mathematics Letters.58 (2016) 49--55
~Jinfeng Wang, Xin Zhang, Junping Shi, Yuwen Wang. Profile of the unique limit cycle in a class of general predator-prey systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 242 (2014) 397--406.
~ Jinfeng Wang, Yuwen Wang. Bifurcation analysis in a diffusive Segel-Jackson model. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 415 (2014) 204--216.
~Jinfeng Wang, Junping Shi, Junjie Wei. Nonexistence of periodic orbits for predator-prey system with strong Allee effect in prey populations. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. 164 (2013) 1--14.
~Jinfeng Wang, Junjie Wei, Bifurcation analysis of a delayed predator-prey system with strong Allee effect and diffusion, Applicable Analysis.2012,91,1219--1241.
~ Jinfeng Wang, Junping Shi, Junjie Wei, Dynamics and pattern formation in a diffusive predator-prey system with strong Allee effect in prey. Journal of Differential Equations,2011, 251,1276--1304.
~Jinfeng Wang, Junping Shi, Junjie Wei. Predator-prey system with strong Allee effect in prey, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2011. 62, 291—331.
1. 无穷维解析分歧理论及其在生态学模型中的应用,黑龙江省科技进步二等
2. 无穷维动力系统的分支理论及其应用,黑龙江省科技进步二等奖,第三参加
3. 培养创新能力的常微分方程教材和CAI课件的研究,黑龙江省教学成果一等奖,第三参加人,2011.